About Point Roberts

A Little More About Point Roberts

Covering just five square miles, Point Roberts is what geographers call a pene-enclave; a piece of land that can be reached only by traveling through a foreign territory (Canada). The tranquil seaside community, with its beaches and forested landscape, is home to 1,200 full-time residents. In the summer, the population swells as cabin owners (mostly Canadian) and tourists come to enjoy cottage life.

Here are some fun and quirky facts about Point Roberts:

A Geographical Oddity
Point Roberts is a bit of an oddity in that it’s not an island and yet it’s completely separated from the rest of the U.S. The only way to travel from Point Roberts to the rest of Washington and the U.S. is by passing through one international border crossing into Canada, driving 25 miles, and passing through another international border crossing into the U.S.

A Safe Place To Be
Point Roberts is considered to be one of the safest communities in the USA thanks to the border crossings.

Four Corners
All four corners of Point Roberts are state parks. Maple Beach, Lily Point Park, Lighthouse Marine Park and Monument Park.

American Bald Eagles
There are several pairs of nesting eagles and in the spring and summer dozens more arrive to feast off the land and sea.

No Need to Worry About Traffic Delays
There are only two flashing lights in Point Roberts (both on Tyee Drive).

The Fire Hydrants are Works of Art
Most of the fire hydrants are creatively painted, as part of a contest hosted by the Point Roberts Fire Department in 2013.

School is in Session
Point Roberts Primary is our one and only school! It serves children in grades Kindergarten to Grade Two. After this, most students attend school in Blaine - having to cross two international borders each way.

 Visit Point Roberts. Linger Longer.